Using Indirect Multipliers
Objective: Learn about Indirect Multipliers in Unity.
As usual, we’ll start with what is Indirect Multiplier ? Well, its an emission property on lighting game objects in Unity. So, basically, this property tells you how strong the light gets each time it bounces around. If the value is less than 1, the light gets dimmer with each bounce. But if it’s more than 1, the light gets brighter each time it bounces.

Now lets see how does this impact our scene, shall we ? Below is an image where the chandelier in the center of the room has an Indirect Multiplier value of 1. Notice that the ceiling is a bit dark and you cannot see a lot of detail.

Now, let’s look at the same scene with the chandelier’s Indirect Multiplier set to 5.

Check out how the ceiling really pops now! And did you notice that slight red tint? That’s because the light’s bouncing off the red carpet, carrying that color up to the ceiling.
Now, how noticeable these changes are in your scene depends on a couple of things. The stuff that doesn’t move around in your scene, plus how strong your light is, all play a role in how subtle or obvious these effects are.