Reflection Probes in Unity
Objective: Learn how to add and how Reflection Probes work in Unity.
So lets start with, what are Reflection Probes ? In a way, it works similar to a Disco Ball, it render reflections in your environment.
In order for us to add it to our scene, its very simple, we just go to:
GameObject -> Light -> Reflection Probe

Now we have it in our scene, we can move around and see how it interacts with the lighting of our environment. You are going to notice that as you move along, it reflects the light of our objects all around.
Reflection Probes can greatly improve our scene, or just simply not work at all, its hard to tell, therefore you just have to see how it looks.

What does the Reflection Probe do in our scene?
It gathers a panoramic view of the environment from its spot, capturing color and brightness variations from various angles. This data is stored as a cube map texture. Although Reflection Probes mainly capture static elements, they can also generate reflections for moving objects.