Installing Unity & Getting Started with Game Development
Objective: Help the reader to install and start their Game Development journey with Unity.
Unity stands out as a widely embraced engine in the realm of game development. Its installation and learning process prove to be user-friendly, thanks to the well-organized layout of the engine. While it might appear daunting initially, initiating your journey with Unity is a swift, straightforward, and hassle-free experience.
Getting Unity installed is an easy and straightforward process. Simply head to, where you can acquire the latest version. Choose the download option that aligns with your operating system — be it Windows, Mac, or Linux. Upon downloading, you’ll get the Unity Hub, a useful tool enabling the installation of multiple Unity versions. This proves beneficial, especially when working on projects initiated in older versions; Unity updates won’t automatically impose the latest version on your project, averting potential complications.

Starting A New Project
Starting a brand new project for Unity is easy and simple. Unity Hub gives you a bunch of different options for it. Open your Unity Hub and select the projects section from the left-side panel. Then you will see the option in the top right-corner of your Unity Hub that says New Project and once you click on that you will see some options to use for creating this new project.

Afterwards a new window will open up with different template options as well as a drop-down menu to choose which version of Unity you want to use to create your new project. You will also see a field on the right-hand side labeled Project name usually auto-filled with the name My Project which you can edit to name your project whatever you choose.

Once you’ve created your project name, chosen your template if you chose to use once, and decided where to save your project, you will see a brand new window open showing Unity loading your new project. Once the project has loaded it should look something like this.

Now you’ve created your first Unity project. You’re right on track to get started with your journey into game development!