How to Install the Universal Render Pipeline
Objective: Learn how to install the URP.
In order for us to easily install and use the URP, let’s instead of upgrading our existing project, just export our items, and create a new one, making it easier on us.

Now that we have exported, we can simply create a new project, which we are going to use to import these assets later.

Now we have a new project that is currently using URP. I’m going to create a new folder in our assets and name it Unity, in order to put some things from the sample.

And now we can simply import our package. You can drag and drop into our assets area, or go to Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package.

But now when we open our scene, we can see that every item has turned pink. What is up with that ?

If we check the items in our project, we can see our Material is using the Standard shader, which is no longer applicable here. So in order for us to fix our issue and be able to use our project, we have to update our materials to URP.

In order for us to update our shaders, we have to select our intended materials on our Project, and then go to Edit -> Rendering -> Materials -> Convert Selected Built-in Materials to URP.

In case any items are still pink in your screen, you just have to manually select them again and update their materials. This can also be done for HDRP, with the only difference being you would have a High Definition Rendering Pipeline instead.