How to Alter Your Pre-Built Texture Maps
Objective: Learn how to change a pre-built texture map.
So our game so far has these yellow textures, which is okay, but not really what we want for a lab scenery.

So we’re going to update the texture, making a bit more metallic, so it has a different vibe to it.
We could simply go into each item, and update the base map color, such as in the example below:

But you notice that the initial Color was gray, and the color of our Walls was Yellow. Why is that ? That is because we already have a color imbedded, therefore we need to update the texture map, instead of just changing the base color.
In order to properly do this, we are going to need a photo-type program, and I’m going to use Adobe Photoshop in my example.

Now we can simply open our file with Adobe Photoshop, in order to update the visuals.

Now we can simply save into the directory of our original image, and I’ll use a different name for it, using an _blue.

Now we simply go into our project, and update the texture map that is being used by our Columns.

Now we have an updated texture map, which we can simply use Adobe Photoshop to change how our current textures look like. We can also apply this to all textures, creating a different one for each type of item we have.