Bring your game to AAA status through Post Processing!
Objective: Learn how to improve the visuals of your project through Post Processing.
In order for us to be able to use the Post Processing effects, we have to install the Unity package from our Package Manager.

Now that we’ve installed our package, we are going to create an empty object that is going to hold the Post Processing information.

Now that we have an object for it, we can start to create effects. I’ll start first with Bloom.

You can notice that when I increased the intensity, nothing was happening. Well, we got to make sure our Camera has a Post Processing Layer, and its processing the layer for our effect.

So now we can play with more effects if we want. Let’s try Color Grading.

In order to properly play with Color Grading and make sure we have the High Definition Range for our effects, we need to make sure to change our Color settings to Linear (from Gamma).

If you play around you can notice how much you can impact the visual of your game, with the use of Post Processing effects!