Adding Post Processing Profiles in Unity
Objective: Learn how to add Post Processing profiles in Unity.
Let’s learn how to add Post Processing Profiles to Processing Effects that will bring our graphics to the next level. Our scene is looking kind of flat and dull.

It’s important to know that Post Processing acts differently in URP from Standard projects. Using URP, the Post Processing does not need to be installed under the Package Manager.
Now we simply have to go to:
GameObject -> Volume -> Global Volume
Great, now we have it in our scene. If we look under the Inspector at your new volume. Nothing has been added yet. Let’s create a new profile. Click the New button and it should make one.

So lets add some Bloom first. Bloom is used to make our lights shine. Since we have some emissive materials on, we can make them look better and pop. This is where we can use Bloom.
Add Override -> Post-Processing -> Bloom
Lets now change our intensity to 1 and see the difference.

As we can see, the emission is intensified. So lets add more things, we’ll try a Vignette now. We’ll add a small amount, like 0.4.

Now let’s see how Film Grain would look like. We’ll try to slowly bring more effect to show the

Now let’s try some Motion Blur. Sadly we will not be able to see this effect until we play the game. Motion blur adds realism, as things blur when they move quickly. Set the intensity to a small amount like 0.3.

And lastly we can add some White Balance to add color temperature to the scene. The room feels like it has a cold temperature to it. Let’s try something like -30 to give it that feel.

That’s it! With these effects added, we drastically changed the mood and feel of the environment. It feels more alive with these simple changes.